


Vollversion des Spiels


Rating: ★ 2.7 / 5 (31 Votes)

Alice in Wonderland: Extended Edition

Versteckte Objekte

Alice is bored sitting next to her sister who is reading a book without pictures. While she observes thoughtfully around her, she sees a rabbit in a frock coat, running and looking at his watch! Intrigued, she follows the rabbit into it's rabbit hole and finds herself thrown into a wonderful and strange world populated by whimsical characters. Help her make her way through this world with no logic and return home!

System Anforderungen

Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8

Processor Speed: 1GHz

System RAM: 512 MB


Spiel Funktionen

Find hidden objects

Solve logic puzzles

This is clever adaptation of the classic novel!


Alle unsere PC-Spiele wurden als Freeware von anderen Spieleherstellern lizenziert oder vom internen Game Studio entwickelt.

>Keine Raubkopien, 100% legale Spiele.
