


Vollversion des Spiels


Rating: ★ 2.7 / 5 (54 Votes)
While exploring a museum in Egypt, Annabel stumbles upon an ancient curse that claims an innocent victim every ten years, and she may be next. Relive the struggle of an ancient Egyptian princess that fought against all odds to be with the man she loved. Only your wits can overcome the devious puzzles and magical traps set by her enemies. Could Annabel be the reincarnation of that ancient princess, still threatened by a curse that has chased her for millennia?

System Anforderungen

OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8

CPU: 600 Mhz

RAM: 256 MB

DirectX: 8.1


Spiel Funktionen

Amazing characters in a 3D world

Switch from past to present

Truly devious mini games


Alle unsere PC-Spiele wurden als Freeware von anderen Spieleherstellern lizenziert oder vom internen Game Studio entwickelt.

>Keine Raubkopien, 100% legale Spiele.
