Vollversion des Spiels
Rating: ★ 3.8 / 5
(88 Votes)
Caught in the wrong place at the wrong time - after visiting performance of the closed ballet school for orphan girls you are getting a letter for help from one of the students, in which she appoints a meeting in the school
Upon arrival, you will find out that the girl, who handed you a note, mysteriously died. School students are submerged in a lethargic sleep and in this involved something that hidden in the building. Guided by memories of the dead girl, and the ghosts of students who died before, you have to pass through this school and find out what happened fifty years ago. Dive into mystical and mysterious world, save the innocent children's souls, and get out from that damned place.
System Anforderungen
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
CPU: 1.0 GHz
RAM: 1024 MB
DirectX: 9.0
Spiel Funktionen
Use your psychic ability to see the past
Beautiful soundtrack fitting the most famous ballets
Original artwork and scenery
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