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Rating: ★ 4.5 / 5 (39 Votes)

Fort Defenders: Seven Seas

Schießen Zeitmanagement

Battlestations! The pirates are preparing to board again! Surely you didn't think that the pirates would leave once and for all? They've come back, and the peaceful fort requires your strategic mind and steady hand to defend it from the onslaught from the sea once more. Build towers, cast spells, collect barrels of rum and believe in victory! This time the expanses of the Atlantic Ocean and the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle will submit to you. Two new worlds, 40 levels, 5 original enemies – an entire ocean of possibilities!

System Anforderungen

OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8

CPU: 1.0 GHz

RAM: 256 MB

DirectX: 9.0


Spiel Funktionen

To arms! Pirate armada dead ahead!

Awesome struggle! Unique balance!

Menacing bosses, upgradeable towers and spells.

Download! Load! Sink'em all!


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