


Vollversion des Spiels


Rating: ★ 4.4 / 5 (65 Votes)

Jewel Match

3-Gewinnt Puzzle

This mesmerizing game will make your eyes sparkle with its jewel smashing fun! Match dazzling jewels to break them out of their sturdy gold boxes as you play Timed or Relaxed Mode! Use the magic hammer power-up to get out of those tight spots, or wait until it has reached its full power to see a gem explosion! With 150 brilliant levels on tons of stunning backgrounds, you'll have a hard time putting this game down!

System Anforderungen

Win 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10

Processor: 400 MHz

RAM: at least 64MB


Spiel Funktionen

150 exciting jewel-smashing levels

Relaxing Music & ambient Sound

Collect Hammer and Bomb power-ups

Soothing and mesmerizing Gameplay


Alle unsere PC-Spiele wurden als Freeware von anderen Spieleherstellern lizenziert oder vom internen Game Studio entwickelt.

>Keine Raubkopien, 100% legale Spiele.
