


Manor Memoirs

Vollversion des Spiels


Rating: ★ 4.8 / 5 (394 Votes)

Manor Memoirs

Versteckte Objekte

Scarlett a famous bestselling author has lost her inspiration. She decided to live her big city life and moves into a beautiful 19th century mansion in the countryside. Unfortunately, this place needs serious work, so Scarlett calls you for help! Search the mansion for treasures and hold garage sales. Turn that old mansion into a comfy palace by spending earning money on repair. Be careful because you never know what dark secrets keeps in the dark mansions rooms. They could be the key to breaking Scarletts writers block!

System Anforderungen

OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8

CPU: 2.0 GHz

RAM: 1024 MB

DirectX: 9.0

Hard Drive: 789 MB


Spiel Funktionen

Exclusive mansion decorations

Relaxing soundtrack

Concept art

Numerous achievements


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