


Vollversion des Spiels


Rating: ★ 3.6 / 5 (84 Votes)

Mushroom Age

Versteckte Objekte

The Mushroom Age is a wild seek-and-find adventure through the past, present, and future! Our heroine, Vera, is desperately searching for her fiance, Tom, who disappeared just days before their wedding. When Vera activates a time machine at Tom's work, it starts her on an epic quest to not only find Tom, but to save the world from history-changing villains. Race against time as you solve challenging puzzles and find hidden objects alongside a cast of characters that range from a dinosaur to Socrates.

System Anforderungen

OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8

CPU: 600 Mhz

RAM: 512 MB

DirectX: 8.1


Spiel Funktionen

Mesmerizing mini-games

Strange and amazing landscapes


Alle unsere PC-Spiele wurden als Freeware von anderen Spieleherstellern lizenziert oder vom internen Game Studio entwickelt.

>Keine Raubkopien, 100% legale Spiele.
