Vollversion des Spiels
Rating: ★ 4.2 / 5
(95 Votes)
Continue the epic story of the castaways of Isola in Virtual Villagers: The Lost Children. Guide your tribe as they rescue a group of lost children and help them survive new adventures. Your villagers need to become farmers,
builders, scientists, healers and parents, and will make decisions about unpredictable "Island Events" that happen from time to time. Lead your villagers as they solve all new puzzles and hidden mysteries of the west shores of the island. Will your tribe survive?
System Anforderungen
OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8
CPU: 600 Mhz
RAM: 128 MB
Spiel Funktionen
Hundreds of Unique Villagers
Mysteries and Surprises to Discover
Discover a different side of Isola
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