Mah Jong Quest

Vollversion des Spiels


Rating: ★ 4.4 / 5 (111 Votes)

Mah Jong Quest

Puzzle Karten & Brett

Three terrible dragons appear without warning and destroy the once peaceful village. Could this be the child’s doing? Did Kwazi summons the dragons, playing games with forbidden tiles from centuries ago? Only you can restore balance to the Empire by solving the mysteries of Mah Jong Quest.

System Anforderungen

Processor: Pentium 500MHz or higher

OS: Windows XP/Vista/Win7

RAM: 32 MB


Spiel Funktionen

Classic Play: Over 80 classic layouts, endlessly replayable with unlimited shuffles

Puzzle Play: More incredible power tiles and 80 more brain-teasing layouts

A story told with rich, cinematic full-screen animation


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