
Vollversion des Spiels


Rating: ★ 5 / 5 (2 Votes)



It is the year 1,200 B.C., and a brand-new settlement emerges on the banks of the mighty water stream. With admiration and wonder you gaze at the fertile plains, gigantic pyramids, and endless expanses of the Great Desert. Welcome to the land of the pharaohs!

System Anforderungen

OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10

CPU: 800 Mhz or better

RAM: 1Gb


Spiel Funktionen

Build the highest pyramids in the world, create your empire and take over the leadership on the Nile!
Use the powers of Anubis and Ra, recruit your army and lead it to victory!
Learn secret sciences and cross the threshold between this world and the afterworld!


Alle unsere PC-Spiele wurden als Freeware von anderen Spieleherstellern lizenziert oder vom internen Game Studio entwickelt.

>Keine Raubkopien, 100% legale Spiele.